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Focused on the destination

  • 7 Places
  • 12:34
  • 709 mi

Stops along the route

  • 7 Places
  • 13:50
  • 766 mi

New York City Trip

  • 2 Places
  • 44:10
  • 2,805 mi

Los Angeles Trip

  • 4 Places
  • 36:44
  • 2,314 mi

Garden of The Gods Trip

  • 3 Places
  • 30:31
  • 1,957 mi

Little A'Le'Inn Trip

  • 4 Places
  • 33:28
  • 2,043 mi

Jolly Green Giant Statue Trip

  • 2 Places
  • 11:15
  • 725 mi

Omaha Trip

  • 2 Places
  • 11:16
  • 726 mi

Cave of The Mounds Trip

  • 7 Places
  • 37:48
  • 2,368 mi