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Dubois Essential Info


There is more than one place called Dubois:

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


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48 °F


Fun Facts

  1. Dubois was originally known as Never Sweat due to its warm and dry winds. However, the postal service found the name Never Sweat unacceptable so Dubois was accepted.
  2. Dubois was named after Fred Dubois, an Idaho senator.
  3. Butch Cassidy owned and managed a ranch on the outskirts of Dubois, beginning in 1890. It is said that he was a frequent customer at Welty's General Store in Dubois, which is still in operation.
  4. The geology of the area surrounding Dubois is unique in the world for featuring examples of all three major mountain-building forces: tectonic, volcanic, and glacial.
  5. Chance Phelps from Dubois,was killed in Iraq as the convoy he was escorting came under heavy fire. His story is the subject of an HBO movie, Taking Chance.

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