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Hartford Essential Info


Hartford is the capital of the state of Connecticut in the United States of America. The Greater Hartford region is enmeshed with Springfield (Massachusetts), which lies only 24 mi north. The area is called the Knowledge Corridor because of its 29 colleges and universities and 120,000 college students.

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


Best Time To Go


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Current Weather

66 °F

Partly Cloudy

Fun Facts

  1. West Hartford is the birthplace of Noah Webster, the author of the first American English dictionary published in 1807.
  2. In 1898, the first car insurance in America was issued in Hartford.
  3. The Hartford Courant is the oldest continually published newspaper in America. First issue of "The Connecticut Courant" was issued October 29, 1764
  4. The first author to submit a typewritten manuscript to a publisher was Hartford resident "Mark Twain".
  5. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) was discovered in 1844 by Horace Wells in Hartford for use as an anesthetic in dentistry.

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