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Jackson Essential Info


Jackson is the capital of the state of Mississippi. In the 2010 census, the city reported a population of 173,514, with the metropolitan area's population at 576,382.

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


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82 °F


Fun Facts

  1. Jackson was named after General Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States.
  2. Jackson is one of only four cities of the world sanctioned by The International Theater-Dance Committee to host the International Ballet Competition.
  3. Pine Sol was invented in 1929 by Jackson native Harry A. Cole, Sr.
  4. Dr. James D. Hardy performed the world’s first human lung transplant at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson on June 11, 1963.

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