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Rialto Essential Info


Rialto is a town in San Bernardino County, California.

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


Best Time To Go

Year round

Current Time

Current Weather

60 °F

Mostly Clear

Fun Facts

  1. Since February of 2012, Rialto has required all police officers to wear a camera to monitor all interactions with the public.
  2. Rialto is home to four major regional distribution centers: Staples Inc., Toys "R" Us, Under Armour, and Target.
  3. Ancient artifacts discovered by archaeologists suggest that what is now the city of Rialto was settled prior to 1500.
  4. The movie Transformers, 2007 Fox television show, Drive, the freeway scenes in The Hangover, Due Date, and several commercials by UPS have been shot in Rialto.
  5. One of the United States' largest fireworks companies, Pyro Spectaculars, is headquartered in Rialto.

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