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Saskatoon Essential Info


Saskatoon is a city in central Saskatchewan. With a metropolitan population of about 257,000 people, it is the province's largest city. It's a little oasis among wheat fields.

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


Best Time To Go

Apr-Jul, Sep

Current Time

Current Weather

63 °F


Fun Facts

  1. Saskatoon is named after mis-sask-quah-toomina, the Cree Indian name for the local Saskatoon berry, a sweet, violet coloured berry that grows wild.
  2. There are more Tim Horton’s per capita than in any other city in Canada.
  3. Saskatoon has one of the highest number of restaurants per capita in Canada.
  4. Saskatoon has a number of nicknamesincluding The Paris of the Prairies because of the bridges, POW referring to potash, oil and wheat, after the natural resources the city and area is famous for, and The Hub City because Saskatoon has been the hub of Saskatchewan.
  5. The world’s largest potash producer, PotashCorp, has corporate headquarters in Saskatoon. Almost two thirds of the world’s recoverable potash reserves are in the Saskatoon area.

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