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Winslow Essential Info


Winslow is a small town in Navajo County in the northern region of the state of Arizona, in the United States of America. While of limited interest itself for most travelers, it is one of the points along the historic Route 66, as well as a gateway to a number of regional attractions.

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


Best Time To Go


Current Time

Current Weather

70 °F

Mostly Clear

Fun Facts

  1. Winslow achieved national fame in 1972 in the Eagles / Jackson Browne song “Take it Easy” which has the line “standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona."
  2. Winslow was named for either Edward F. Winslow, president of St. Louis and San Francisco Rail Road, which owned one half of the old Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, or Tom Winslow, a prospector who lived in the area.
  3. The nearby Meteor Crater, sometimes known as the Barringer Crater and formerly as the Canyon Diablo crater, is a famous impact crater.
  4. In 1949 when the Shah of Iran came to America and toured some sights, he chose to come to the Grand Canyon. His plane landed at the Winslow airport and they took land transport to get to the canyon.

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